Rocker Arm help

These heads are looking less and less a great value or even just mediocre value including snagging them during a Black Friday sale.

Buying bare castings, your choice of valves, springs, retainers, locks, seals, shims, shipping cost, paying for the valve job, and correcting the saddles adds up. A geometry correction kit if you’re going to do it up right. Then the time and travel to acquire and get everything in the hands of the actual shop you are paying, the gas etc.

Other than buying them fully assembled and just running them OOTB on a lower HP build


you have the ability to do all this yourself

it adds up to a “False Economy”

Forget about the porting it takes to get the heads competitive with other offerings.
Will anyone be so bold and brave as to actually add up the money and time invested it took for them to get a set of these heads ready to bolt on?
Seems it Just ain’t worth it.

I already did the math, for my particular build, two years ago. If you plan to do anything more than bolt them on, the trick flow heads are the winner in my mind.

I didn't correct the saddles either, and noticed loss of torque when I checked them last week, so that's another thing I need to keep an eye on.
Plus I had the heads on/off the motor/Bridgeport 3 times machining them for pushrod clearance.

$1100 - CNC loaded heads
$100 - shipping to/from PRH
$265 - valve job/backcut/blend/flow
$200 - B3 correction kit

$1665 total

If you find my comment from a few weeks ago, by the time you sink some extra $ into these to get them into decent shape, you're within spitting distance of a set of trick flows.

I'm still ahead, by a bit, but now people have some solid info to make decisions going forward, if the head is good enough out of the box, for them, or not.

If you plan to go through them and fix the obvious stuff, I know that I'd spend the extra $ and get the TFs. If you plan to run them OOTB, then they're a moderate upgrade to a set of iron heads.

On that note, no regrets, I'm running stock J's right now, so the car should be drastically improved in the spring.