Help choosing a v8 for my dart

I like that phrase- “Plug & Play.” It makes sense when you want to go that route.

If your looking for a fun street car that has some good power, that 5.9 is the way to go BUT!!!!!
As said, it’ll take a good bit to get it up and running in the car.

If the engine doesn’t have the OE flex plate, you’ll need to get one from B&M. Ether way, you’ll need a small block transmission since there different from a /6 or big block. It’s the bell housing bolt pattern. There all different. But the transmission lengths are all the same between the 904’s or the same between the 727’s. But not each other. If you have a 904 trans now, stay with it on the swap. It’ll save you from driveshaft issues. Ether cutting one down or getting the proper one or a new one.

Im not sure about the exhaust manifold fit. Check with other early A owners.

Good lucks en have fun!

Its a 5.2 not a 5.9