Magnum head gaskets

Okay, so as I'm getting ready to put heads on my freshly machined magnum block (+.060, yes it was sonic checked and is good). I didn't realize it would be as challenging to find head gaskets (like everything else now a days). I'm replicating the mild street build of 67autocross.

I have found a copper gasket in 4.060, with a .032 thickness. Titan Head Gaskets for SB Chrysler | SCE Gaskets - Premium Engine Gaskets

I want to keep the compression ration under control so that I can run normal pump gas. Is .032 going to increase cr enough to be concerned about?

Are there better options out there for head gaskets? I don't see a lot for the Magnum in 60 over.



With a stock type piston you can run any gasket you like with no concerns at all. On mine I use the Mr. Gasket ones that are .028 compressed thickness to try to get a bit more compression.