Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dang! You can put a bigger connector on a smaller male but not the other way around.
I had some other wide terminals for headlights, but nothing made for two wires. They're sending me the right ones but hate doing that over. There's not any extra length in those wires to keep cutting them shorter. If I'm careful I should be able to undo the crimps - at least the insulation crimp. I only ordered from CE because Mouser has a bunch of miscut terminals. Steve in canada ended up with some he posted photos of - not sure why he ordered them but picture on Mousers website shows the miscut.
upload_2022-4-14_15-40-58.png 59

I figured going with CE would be less headaches...
Well they were nice enough when I called and explained what happened.
I should hae looked more closely at the contents when the envelope showed up instead of the day I needed to do the job.