Stop in for a cup of coffee

John what's the progress report at the new place??
Cheryl and I have realized several weeks ago Jodi using the new build to escape her last Fargo winter.
Smart girl, but we knew that.
So we now have indoor plumbing. She has moved out of the hotel and into the shop mezzanine apartment. We have a fridge and freezer but she is waiting on boy to help her get them up the steps. She raided our camping supplies for bedding and cookware. Looking at a stove today, we have purchased literally all the appliances off FB market place and have right at 1000 dollars in stove freezer and fridge. I have it wired and she is going to get it insulated as she can this next week. Once she gets insulation stuffed in we will bring in Jose the sheet rocker. Dad don’t hang sheet rock no more, it kills my shoulder. I have to finish wire up some box’s as I just got her a few plugs. Likely hire local electrician to give us a few hours. No flooring down yet. HVAC should go in by end of month. All in all great progress. She remarked last call how long this winter has been. In my infinite wisdom I quipped how would you know? I could have phrased that differently, just sayin. Her response was laced with adjectives I cannot print here.