Undefeated on the street !!!

If we want to talk about not losing on the street for me- it's bikes really. My V65, I have never lost a street race on drag racing stuff- 99.999% of guys do NOT know how to ride thier bikes. A new 600 CBRR should be able to hand my *** to me on the street with a 150 pound rider vs my 260 pound self- but it takes way more skill to ride a bike than a car LOL- I got my bike into the 10s after about a full summer of trying- and Peewee got his V65 into the 10s on a slower Magna in the 80s in one day, for example. However, he does wiegh 150 pounds less than me LOL.

Skill comes out in street racing, big time, making the car or bike launch on the street is no mean feat.

I have beat a turbo 'busa on the street that should be in the 8s on the track BTW. Tore him straight on up and embarrassed him badly LOL> my sabre

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Definitely an art to get outta the hole just right! And that's a Brutal looking bike! The turbo Busa? Man, that guy must have fried the tire, or benn scared! Sounds like you dogged his ***!