Stop in for a cup of coffee

for the geographically challenged, Frank and I live basically on the same river. It is the Red river and it flows North from here terminating in basically Winnipeg. Frank and I are one border and about two hours apart. On TMMs map from this afternoon we are the pink and Blue segment of Northern ND and just across the border. Our weather sucked today. Yes it is still snowing and is just below freezing here. On bright side typically Frank is a couple degrees colder but we get more wind. Hah! You know what we say here, there is a pretty girl behind every tree! Explanation, there are no trees up here, flat tundra windscaped. Anyway I am envious of all you guys mowing yards and not running heaters.
But not for long. You will be looking for land down south for Frank before it's all done. :lol: