
That process 100% explains why every person working my local AZ is under 22 and knows as much about cars as I do about online celebrities. They're also all so terribly introverted it makes interaction painful.

On the upside, at least they don't have that "I know it all and am a tuning god" complex that they all had 10 years ago - while driving a smoking, fart-can equipped POS that they thought was the pinnacle of racing development.

If I was wanting to work a parts counter again, I'd shoot for the commercial sales slot or look for a NAPA or locally owned auto store. There's a few in my neck of the woods, and that's where all the experienced folks without the superiority complex work. Plus they carry all the stuff a guy with a classic, a tractor, or 1/2 a brain would need to do any regular maintenance on their rigs without relying on 2nd day shipping or shitty drop-shipped electronics that are DOA. Plus they never call my Dart a Nova, or ask if it has a Hemi.