Pinion Angle? Do I have this right before I cut it up?

Take a look at this app and down load it to your phone. Follow the instructions to see if you're close.
If you run a search here you'll find tons of info and probably figure it out pretty quickly.
It sounds based on your numbers you might have some work to do.
Some pics of your driveline with the angles you have might help others understand just what you're looking at. I'm curious to see what you have and how you make out. Good luck.

Thanks for the response. I suppose I should have prefaced my post with what I've done for research. I've been reading and searching through the forums most of the day to get a handle on driveline angles and how it all works.

I did download that app. It was very inconsistent and didn't reflect what I was seeing manually measuring with this angle gauge. Might have been my phone. Plus, when the numbers were "incorrect" according to the app, it didn't help you understand why, it just says the numbers are not within working perimeters.

Here are a few pictures. This is how dozens of posts have said to take a measurement by. The gauge is new and pretty crudely simple so I trust what it's telling me.

