What should I do?

To the OP. I'm sorry that you did not get what you thought you were getting.

BUT based on the photos in the listing.
Unless you requested additional photos that you have not shared or messages that show the seller said it was a tech dash. I can see from the 3 dash photos in the sellers post that the dashes are the same where the teach should be. And they don't look like the tach shown in later posts.

The seller shared many posts about the condition of parts saying they were too rusted. And posted photos of a fender that had hidden rust after it was pulled off.

I think you made many mistakes here and the seller is not at fault.

If I had to guess based on the evidence presented here so far, the seller is 10% at fault and the buyer is 90%

That is based on not asking for many more photos before purchasing.

Just my opinion
an 2, 2022
FC7Demon340FABO Gold MemberFABO Gold Member
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Jul 28, 2019
West Monroe, La
Local Time:
10:31 PM
150.00 for both grills with bezels.
500.00 for complete tach dash with uncracked pad and complete wiring harness everything

This is where he said it was a tach dash with a uncracked dash pad. Nothing was said about the hole in the rusted in the top. He did say there was some rust around one of the mounting bolt holes and I said I could probably deal with that.I didn't ask for more pics of the dash as I said in an earlier post. I have bought and sold parts on here many times from the pics and description in the ad,this was the first time I felt I got screwed. I would think an honest person would say there is a problem with the part and not try to blame it on the shipping company and try to file a insurance claim on it. The shipping company didn't rust it in shipping. The cracks in the uncracked dash pad had dirt in the cracks so they were not new cracks.