Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Plenty to update on the dart.

Got the compressor covers on the new turbos hydrodipped and clear coated.

Also got my 408. Freight company wanted to wait till Thursday to deliver but I don't have that much time if I want a chance at making the dyno on the 10th. So I drove down and had them load it in the truck.

Got it home and added the valve covers before I hit the rack last night. Then today after work I got it cleaned up and, motor plate/water pump mounted, installed in the dart and bolted up to the trans. Got the valley cover dipped to match the valve covers and turbos. Got the intake set on and started to mock up the exhaust as a few changes need to be made before its all said and done with switching to the new turbos and I also have cerakote being delivered tomorrow to coat the exhaust manifolds, turndowns and exhaust housings. So ignore the ugly faded black grill paint. I get the feeling the dump tubes from the wastegates may be vented to atmosphere for the dyno if I can make it.

But happy to finally have it in place and to be knocking out my punch list while combating any new unforseen issues.






