What should I do?

Thanks for posting that info. Try paging him here again, OR go visit his ads and place links to this thread there.
You're 100% in the right here.
an 2, 2022
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FC7Demon340FABO Gold MemberFABO Gold Member
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Jul 28, 2019
West Monroe, La
Local Time:
10:31 PM
150.00 for both grills with bezels.
500.00 for complete tach dash with uncracked pad and complete wiring harness everything

This is where he said it was a tach dash with a uncracked dash pad. Nothing was said about the hole in the rusted in the top. He did say there was some rust around one of the mounting bolt holes and I said I could probably deal with that.I didn't ask for more pics of the dash as I said in an earlier post. I have bought and sold parts on here many times from the pics and description in the ad,this was the first time I felt I got screwed. I would think an honest person would say there is a problem with the part and not try to blame it on the shipping company and try to file a insurance claim on it. The shipping company didn't rust it in shipping. The cracks in the uncracked dash pad had dirt in the cracks so they were not new cracks.