225 slant 6 intake/header

You can always get a set of Dutra Duals. They’re like $800 a set but they’re good and they’re the only thing I know of off the shelf that fits the Weber Side draft carbs if you really wanna beef up your slant. There’s an Australian guy that got almost 300hp out of his with those headers and carbs. But he also put lighter con rods and aluminum rockers and shaft (those are like $1,400 a set). And he put a bigger cam in too. Expensive build for sure. But I’m planning on cloning it myself
Not to get off track with the original post, but the only slant that I would put dual Dutra’s on would be a truck. They are heavy as hell, and for the money spent, you still need fabricated down pipes. They are so thick they probably would last about forever, so dual Dutra’s have that going for them.