What rear drums for 4.5" axle swap

I ordered from Doctor Diff. His A body axle setup, which requires the 10" or 11" setups as you guys have detailed.

There is a local guy here that has complete setups, both 10" and 11", what do you guys suggest?

I think they are both 2.5" wide

Now please help me understand the offset thing. if the length of the axle is the same as stock, 28", how does it end up wider? Sorry I am having trouble phrasing that question properly lol

if the wheels sit out more with the 2.5" setup vs the factory 1.75 that is perfect. My centerlines touch the leafs without a spacer stock, and I like the wheel arch over the wheel look with the back end high. This car is my inspiration on what I want my stance to be, if this is one you guy's car, well done