HELP! transmission case repair?

Oh no, am I involved in a controversy?!? JB Weld has it's place, and I've used it for many many repairs and modifications. I actually have used it to repair inlet castings on TF transmissions!Lots of friendly advice on here on how NOT to fix this problem..."replace the case"...."do it right"..."any competent welder" guys are DREAMERS...not dealing with the reality of the situation. For me, this is a twenty minute fix. For some of you guys, it's a days long job involving over a thousand dollars...but you wanna "do it right"...Oh, and this is not "an open passage into the transmission"...if it was, there would be no need to avoid contamination.

I'd have already welded it up. The more I look at it, the more I think the best way to solve this is to cut it off flush and then weld a boss or an AN fitting to it. The hole can be plugged when cutting it off flush so no chips get in and that isn't a problem when welding the new piece on. Cutting threads is the most likely operation to dump chips in the case, and you can skip that with a new boss or fitting.

JB weld may have its place, but this ain't it. I may be a dreamer, but you're obviously not a welder.