Not getting much done today either. I did get a few dandelions sprayed until the wind came up. I brought a couple plants out of the living room onto the patio. I ran over to the storage garage to put the stickers on the license plates. I did check both cars for needed service. The oil in the 66 looks like new so no change for it. I might pull the distributor and put in some new points one day. It starts and runs fine but it has been quite a few years since it's had a new pair. Clean up the cap and brighten up the rotor. You know the drill. I need to get a couple advance springs from Hoppy. I took out the heavy long slot and put in a Mr Gasket spring and it pings when I plug in the vacuum advance. I should have pulled the distributor out and sent it to him. It would be right then. Pertronix under the cap.