Alternator Full fielding..??

Key off. Take a multimeter set on resistance or continuity. Put one probe on the alternator housing and backprobe each brush terminal.
If they connect with ground, then its in the alternator or the wiring. Disconnect each field wire from the brush terminals. Check each until you find the one that's grounding.
You checked for a ground short in the field circuit of the alternator itself.
But you haven't checked the field circuit from the alternator through the voltage regulator for a ground short.
Do that.
Only if its not shorted, does it become a matter of deciding whether its a matter of the regulator or wiring to the regulator.

1. The green wire is connecting to ground somewhere.
2. The regulator is causing it to full field because it is seeing low voltage (blue wire connection on the regulator)
3. The regulator is causing it to full field because it has failed internally.