Help needed! Stock drum? studs on drum? off of different car? 1972 swinger

It might look a little weird but it shouldn't hurt anything.

I'm assuming you're going to wait to upgrade the rear to the 5x4.5" pattern and just run the SBP 14's you have in the back?
The reason i dont wanna change the rear really is because i just changed everything there about a month ago. Drums, shoes and hardware. Oh and another thing sorry, how wide of rims can i get i think if i go over 6 will possibly hit the fenders found 15x6 5x4.5 with 3.75 inch backspace. but idk and how much backspacing do i need? the doctor diff kit dosent say. By the way bluNblu it didn't show me any 14 inchers on your summit racing link but no big deal seems hard to find 14's that fit discs in them anyway. EDIT: im also wondering that dr diff kit only has the option to get the a-body master cylinder with power brakes and i dont have power brakes do i have to buy a different one seperately? Sorry for the question bombing but im learning as i go.