Peanut Gallery Survey for my /6 Build ...

Back from winter in Tucson to see my sight-unseen purchase of a '68 Bcuda Convertible. After inquiring to Forum prior about engines, I'm opting to stick with the 225 /6 that came with the car. Now the question is what to machine and config it with. I know everyone is going to have opinions, which is what I'm seeking here. Please LMK "why" you recommend what you do for context. Will be pulling the engine out and getting it to the machine shop in the thriving metropolis of Herminston, OR in a couple weeks.

This will likely be a 904 automatic 3-speed, as we don't want to cut out the tunnel and be unable to place the center console. We are facing the age-old trade-off of performance versus convenience/mileage. Will drive this car a lot (i.e. quasi-daily driver and long trips to car events). So highway mileage is important, but would like to have some HP behind it on-demand to "fun around" once-in-awhile. Will be adding power steering and A/C to the build.

So at the moment the options under consideration (open to more) are the following, in no particular order: