Let's Talk About Alkeehawl

I’m not a drinker, I basically quit when Nella was born. That said, my next door neighbors brother is the brewmaster at Evan Williams distillery, so I can have all the bourbon I want if. If I want it. Now, my little brother is sort of a brewmaster himself, of the white lightning variety. When we visit him in Tennessee, I come back with a couple gallons of “the white” as we call it. I usually mix it with “the peach” to bolster that up, and the bride drinks most of that. I’ll sip it here and there, but only around the camp fire, and of course down in Tennessee. We’re leaving on the 8th of June, should be bringing back a stock.
Evan Williams is one of my favorites. The white stuff you can light your campfire with. LMAO!

evan williams 1783 small batch..jpg