Cat Piss.

Wow, poor kitty! I hate seeing stuff like that .
I was surprised walking out of the house and spotting the rabbit. We have foxes, coons, LOTS of rabbits and of course squirrels and chipmunks. Pretty cool for living right in town(population 2500).
The rabbits demise was from(best guess) is a hawk. I cant remember the type of hawk...Fisher maybe? (Just googled it and its Red-tailed hawk)Or it was an owl. Weird thing with out getting to gross was that only half its head/brain/1eye was eaten. ZERO struggle. Apparently the brain is a delicacy for this type of hawk, but whatever did the deed, it was SWIFT. No fur, messed up grass or anything. If a fox, why would it drop and leave 99% of it behind....glad it was me and not the wife or grandkids that found him.

""I knew a dog that liked to eat the brains of gophers. That said... some cats also like to eat the brains of rabbits.
Was it shot or did a coyote get it definitely munched its skull!
Couple weeks ago coyotes got this poor little guy. I dont know why he was out or who he belonged to.. but they're stupid for letting him out and not going after/looking for him. They bite the spine.. then the rest is history. I very much dislike coyotes that live/kill in the city. County should be trapping and relocating or shooting the firs. One attacked a child on the beach in HB. After finding this.. I had to go watch some vids of farmers shooting them in droves to feel better.
