Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning

Today is the last day I will be let on campus for high school. Grad night at disney then DONE.

And yesterday at work my boss said that he wanted me to start full time after summer break doing maintenance and diagnosis on cars instead of three days a week sweeping the shop.
I'll have to think about it but overall, an ok week.
Well as a young gun you have about twenty Uncles on this thread who have all adopted you and provide unlimited old fart unsolicited advice. Congrats on graduating and super congrats on the job offer. Remember it’s is much easier to find a job when you already have one, plus it gives you bargaining power to leverage a higher starting wage at next one. Take the gracious offer get some invaluable experience and use it as a stepping stone to next objective. Remember the skills and expertise you gain will have far more value than the hourly wage of your first job. Well done young Sir!