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Get a secondary education. Collage trade school something. Congrats
As someone with a Bachelors Degree and A Masters Degree, I do not totally agree. Yes get some post secondary education but limit your choices to actual career producing degrees or training and pay close attention to unemployment rates within those fields.

And don’t stop at just a degree, get the certifications that go with the career field you choose. Those are more valuable than any degree by itself.

My graduating class in my Major had 11 people. Of those 11, 3 are stay at home moms, which is fine, the rest are employed as minimum wage or close to it employees and spend their time ranting about wasting money In college. Yet, I am the only one in an actual degree requiring field and in less than 7 years, I have gone from a low rent security guard to top 15 percent salary for my career. With more rungs to climb. Each wrong gets harder, but you gotta keep driving. Since that security job, I’m making over 400 percent MORE. Because I took the time to shift the gears.