Stop in for a cup of coffee

We made it to 66° :lol: Of course the wind went and got to 20 mph too :lol: Glad I'm not sitting in those bleachers at the rodeo grounds, no wind break up there. Gonna be a chilly rodeo. Elks Club has been doing that rodeo for almost 80 years. Benefits go to the community youth programs. Used to be held at the County Fairgrounds here, but the County was getting greedy with the fees for the Elks use of it. The current location was once Unocal/Union 76 property, there were a few pumping units on it when I moved up here. Those wells passed on and Unocal pulled the units out and leased the land to the strawberry farmers. When the Elks were getting ready to tell the county to piss off at the Fairgrounds and cancel the Rodeo for good, Unocal said " Hey Elks! Tell you what. We got this land over here, we're done with it and you need a place for your Rodeo. It's all yours." th?id=OIP.jpgth?id=OIP.jpgth?id=OIP.jpgth?id=OIP.jpgth?id=OIP.jpg