Stop in for a cup of coffee

Eric, glad you car got some well deserved love. Hope your gal had a great time meeting this merry mob. Thinking about ya as I am in the middle of reading “The Hagakure” translated is, Hidden among the leaves. It is a definitive work on life as a Samurai, written between 1710-1716. The book is Titled The Art of the Samurai. By Yamamoto Tsunetomo ISBN 978-1-62795-122-7 It is a very very good book. In essence trying to ensure the Samurai do not lose their warrior ethos in a time of peace. Basically the beginning of the Bushido traditions as the Buddhist monks begin to educate and introduce the warriors to Zen rationale. The concern of course is that the warrior must not become soft and has to meld the sheer brutality of feudal clan warfare with the tea ceremony if you will. Really a very interesting book. Anyway thought of ya!

Thanks John! She had a great time with everyone and the show itself. Has only been to one car show ever before this, and that was just on Memorial Day as a pregame for this one. Everyone made her very welcome. I wish we would have spent more time just hanging out but overall is my favorite show so far. As for the book, I will check it out, sounds awesome. I am glad you a Craig @ZMan67S had a great time! Well deserved for the both of you.