Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning coffee land! I am back online and safe and sound in Arkansas. Have fun at the dentist Craig. What could two days of us eating Cheryl’s home made apple crisp have to do with it! Thought I might post a couple more pix from a great road trip. Then I got home and my Dad made a pot of chili for me with bread and fresh jalapeños. That was breakfast this morning. I will top it off with some of Cheryl’s apple crisp she sent Jodi. Just had an absolute blast hanging out in Kansas with Cheryl and Craig. I know we have all said it before but life is just to short to not take time out to spend with folks that are important to you. Was their house off the route a bit? You bet. Will I do it again? Absolutely! And thanks for this years shirt, I was reading where everybody got there’s in the mail but figured we’ll I am in Fargo so mine will be a few days behind. We broke em in good Boss! Sincere thanks!

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Sounds like you guys had a great weekend as well. Missed you all in Stillwater. Hope you can make it up there again. We missed Fred this year as well. Hope to catch up with him again sometime soon.