Roller Rockers 1.5 vs 1.6

How do you decide on which ratio to get?

I didnt get any when I purchased my aluminum heads but now SM has all the SS rockers in stock ( well kinda...) so since they haven't had any in 7 months I think I may pick up a set... I kinda want 1.6 for a little "extra" lift from my cam but worry about valves hitting pistons?

30 over 340, pistons all around .012 out of the block
Xe268h camshaft
SM CNC fully assembled heads (pictured)

I know I know buy the expensive ones that are "better..."

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Welll, researching rocker arms for my Ford 289, I came across mention of Miller rockers for high quality. Paul Kane bought all Miller's stock when Miller "retired", so I found his number and called him and spoke for about 20 minutes. He has Ford bodies but not the trunions to Miller's specs. He is contemplating getting Scorpion to do a run for him. They have a very similar trunion but one measurement needs to be changed. Paul.recommened I use Scorpion rockers for my street engine. If looking for that last HP or two waiting for his might be adviseable or use the Scorpions until he does a run. Now Mopar, I do not know.
A sort of local parts house speced Harland Sharp, but about $100CDN more than the Scorpion rockers, plus I would have to pay shipping to Canada. They bend you over the hood of a Lotus 7 on that here. I did pay about $75CDN shipping on my order from Summit, but that covers the rockers, guide plates, 7/16 rocker studs, PAC dual valve springs, push rods and a valve spring height micrometer.
What I am saying is that the most expensive may not be the best. Good advice is to find someone that knows that part of the business and that probably does not have a vested interest and is honest.