Spindle bearing spacer

No, but the spindle spaces the inner races the way the FACTORY intended. It's not "all" about less drag. But yall go ahead and run the things. You think these people know more than factory Chrysler engineers? I'll just leave you with your own words from your last sentence. "I don't know" Might wanna think about "THAT".

To be fair, Chrysler engineers did a lot of things for a lot of reasons and not all of them amount to the best way to get something done, even 50 years ago.

Auto manufacturers do things for a lot of different reasons, but cost and speed of production play a big part. And those two things generally do not result in what’s “best” from an enthusiasts point of view.

If it reduces drag by 1200%, the car would be rollin placed by itself. lol

Lol! Yeah that just kills me. I’d have been more likely to think there was something to it if they hadn’t tried to claim a 1200% increase. I mean, I’d have been skeptical if they said 10%. Even a few percentage points of reduction in rolling resistance would be significant.

Of course they said a 1200% increase in “wheel spin” so, I dunno what exactly that is.