Mopar Alley 2022 Cupertino

As I expected, the show was smaller than usual.
I don't know exactly what to blame though. Car clubs rely on volunteers and without them, nothing gets done. Volunteers are UNpaid so when they are lazy or worthless, you can't chastise or scold them because they will just refuse to help. I've seen this play out many times in other situations. "Joe Blow" is late, makes mistakes, loses files, is slow and lazy but without someone else to replace him, you are stuck.
I suspect that this is the case with this club. I'm sure that they have some dedicated members that try their best but how hard would it have been to post on the car forums a few times a week to promote some interest?
I didn't get a count but it looked to me like there was about 2/3 the amount of cars they usually have. The parking lot for spectators was maybe 2/3 full. The swap was about the same as before. After 2 years of NO shows, they really should have had a better turnout and they could have if they promoted the show.