833 Assembly Woes...
I did mine on a bench .I do recall taking one of the shafts to work to use the press for the bearing, it may have been the output shaft. The "cluster gear" I think that was mentioned I beleive the OP is referring to the set of gears in the bottom of the trans housing, I used a "dummy shaft" to place all the rollers inside of it with either petroleum jelly or grease, then I knocked in the shaft while pushing the dummy shaft out. I believe the Chiltons manual says to do this or any manual for that matter. i used a 5/8 wooden dowel and wrapped it with masking tape to bring it up to the proper diameter to keep the roller bearings in place. From what I recall this "dummy shaft" part was the only pain in my *** with the whole thing. Or its the part where I could see a home builder having a difficult time. Other than that having a press for the output shaft bearing, and the snchro "dog ears" or what ever they were called the three fingers in the synchro assembly I had broken ones and had to order new... I did mine 15 or so years ago, keep in mind todays parts are outsourced, may not fit right typical "Jine ease" if you know what I mean :)