My Screwup Forced Me to Turn a 14" Air Cleaner Base into 13"

So I bought a Mopar performance air cleaner assembly so I could powder coat the lid. Once I was done powder coating the lid, I did my valve covers too much. Then I went to put it all together. I got the valve covers on, and when I tried to put the air cleaner on, I ran into a problem. My old air cleaner was a drop-down 14 inch assembly (the base dropped down about 1.5 inches for hood clearance). The assembly I powder coated the lid off of was a 13 inch that was NOT a drop-down. I did NOT notice the difference until it was too late. The new assembly stuck way too far up, and base from the drop down air cleaner obviously was not going to work with a 13 inch air cleaner filter. So I had to cut, hack and fabricate to turn the 14 inch drop base into a 13 inch drop base. It took about 5 hours. Another lesson learned the hard way. As it turns out, there are 13 inch AND 14 inch air cleaner assemblies. Lol. Moral to the story is check things out before starting a project.

This shows the 14" drop down base on the left. It would give me the clearance I needed.

So I marked off a 1/2" wide ring from the 13" base to give me the 13" base with the lip.

Ring cut out.

This shows the base after I cut it to accept the 13" ring.

This shows the 13" ring attached to the cut down 14" base with magnets, ready to weld.

Welded and ground smooth. Ready for the 13" filter and lid.

All done. It would have been nice If I had noticed this earlier.