Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Gang

Woke up too early but just decided to roll with it. Have to get at the yard today and really want to get the Valiant down off of the jack stands now that I have an unexpected 3- day weekend.

Quick parts run first thing (they open at 0730) so going to finally get that last bit of tailpipe in and be done with that.

I'm thinking about that with the SureGrip I picked up. I read somewhere you can get an estimate on the gear by turning the hub and counting driveshaft rotations (?) 3.91 SG in the car now... figure the one I picked up is stock gear (2.73 maybe??).

Yes, if a sure grip, locker, spool etc. You can count the hub or tire resolutions and driveshaft revolutions and there it is. I have 3.91, 2.91, and a 3.23. The 3.23 will likely stay in the car once it is gone through. Right now the motor pulls hard enough that the 2.91 is actually a nice gear. The 3.91 was much less fun, yes great burnouts and got up to speed quick, but the buzzing down the road at 3000 @60 was a but much for just a nice cruise.