Stop in for a cup of coffee

I'm doing that tomorrow, going to Anacortes for "Shipwreck Days". It's been cancelled past 2 years for Covid paranoia. Main reason I'm going is because of a record seller I buy from is showing up, unfortunately (or fortunately) he's bringing his $3-6 collections so shouldn't break the bank. Son is coming up as well, having pizza and beer at our house for Fathers Day.
We have an awesome record store right in town here- 'Tom's'. My son used to frequent the place when he lived here. I bought him a nice turntable when he was in high school. I really need to get my turntable set up. I got this one years ago, but barely used it. It's a newer thing that converts to digital signal so you can record to cd. Never transfered any, so don't know if they sound like vinyl when played back. I don't have a lot of vinyl, but I do miss spinning them...