Should Members of a Club Sponsoring a Car Show Be Eligible for Awards

Are participant choice going to give Brown 72 Satellite a trophy over a black 71 Hemi Charger ?? We’ve given best of show’s to 318 4 door cars over Hemi convertibles. That’s not going to happen with participants choice. Is that fair to the guy that worked his butt of on a Silver 70 318 4dr Satellite (in MCG decades ago)?

Also, if you have a large show with quality cars from 1000+ miles away there’s just too many cars and for participants to judge. Even if they only judge 3 classes. What stops them from starting judging before the cars are all in? Hard to control.

And most of all, if you have multiple real high quality cars in one class, they will really be close and tough to judge. It will come down to undercarriage and extreme details. How can you ensure they are getting quality judging.

I can see participants judge for 100-200 cars. But when you get to around 500 cars, logistics and quality level starts changing things.