Flipping baseball cards

Sorry for jumping in so late and hope someone cares about this answer. I am a 61 year old woman who was a big tomboy as a kid. In my school, "Flipping" mostly referred to each kid holding the same amount of baseball cards, face down, in one hand. We'd each have baseball cards in our hands and we'd put them out, 1 at a time, into one person's hand. When a card would match the one on top of the pile in the hand by having the same color frame (I think each team had a different color), the person with the top matching card would take the pile in the hand and put the cards on the bottom of their pile.
You'd keep going until one person had won the other person's cards.

You'd be in the schoolyard calling out: 10 Larries or 20 Larries, the number being how many cards you'd each flip.