1973 360 upgrades

This is what I used to normally say but have since taken my foot out of my mouth some when many many reports have come in with decent fitting chink knock offs.

I still suggest the Edelbrock RPM-AG over everything and if you had decent memory retention, you would know this hands down. NO WORRIES! I suffer from CRS. It sucks don’t it????

The one I got was very good.
Also, a lot depends on not only the wallet, also the intentions of the build at hand. Is it always necessary to purchase the best when your not taxing the build?

That’s your call.

This is my first first chink intake.
I have had a total of (IIRC) 5 RPM- AG intakes pass through me hands.

What I have concluded is, if the build is on the mello side, you’ll never know and be hard pressed to see or feel a difference between intakes. This not only comes just these two intakes as I have had nearly every last dual plane on top of my mills just to see what happens between them and just how they are and perform.

While the internet would have saved me a lot of time and wrenching….. OH wait! ….. there was no internet back then! You ether believed your buddies, believed the MP books, or the muscle car rags or you bought the stuff and tried it out for yourself and tested the item over and over and over again. After I was somewhat satisfied, I modified the intakes. If it was able to be carved out for a TQ, it got carved. Port matching, runner shortening, spacers, plenum mods, etc….!!!! I just could not weld aluminum then. Actually, now that I mention it, I still yet have to try to do so. One day maybe.

Dang! Sometimes, I’m born to soon, sometimes to late!

So on this build, I saved some bucks, actually quite a bit, by buying a “Jegs” chink knock off that was on sale.
I have crs myself. I remember back in high school that a friend of mine put a power glide torque converter in his 67 tempest with a turbo 350, it's the poor man's stall converter. He rebuilt the q jet carburetor and deburred and smoothed the entire inside of the carburetor and it ran great.