Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not wearing a mask, havnt found one to work well with glasses, helmet and beard. I did have a box fan blowing to try and help. Garage door and windows open. Didn't seem bad at all, but something is still getting me. No work on it yesterday at all, but still a headache. I did get the pex run and an outside faucet finally. I will be able to wash the car now without 10000000 buckets.
Not knowing where you live, there are some seasons that give my son and my wife these kinds of headaches, an allergie to new grass pollen and oak at the beginning to mid spring here in northeast Arkansas, but thats been a about 40 days ago here.
Being outside for the first time , well you know, spending more time outside :lol: is what I tell my wife and son :poke:..
I was blessed in the headache department, never have them unless I drink over 6 beers and a shot of bourbon, otherwise I never get headaches.