Planning a shop build, any suggestions?
When doing all the 'DUAL' power outlets, run "12/3 with ground" wire. Use the BLACK wire for the left outlet and the RED for the right outlet. This way you have 2 ea 120 volts 20 amps split at each outlet. In most areas you can put up to 15 outlets per run but if you are feeding Dual outlets with 12/2 that means only 7 in that run. I also put a 20 amp commercial Dual pole switch to shut off all runs when not in use. Avoid a fire if something plugged in shorts out.
Per NEC and Local code, put in a a good sub panel. Drive a ground rod or tie the MGN to your rebar cage under the floor. Do NOT put the 'Green' ground and neutral bonding screw in the sub panel. All grounds go to a separate ground buss bar tied to the MGN and all WHITE neutrals are tied to the main feed neutral buss bar. Simple code work
Put in at least 2 ea 240 volt welder outlets using 10/4 (close to Sub panel) or 8/4 gauge (for the longer run). I like 30 amp twist lock and have extensions with them.
Put in a generator if you have a lot of power outages like us.
Use 3/4 inch copper piping that is sloped away from the compressor. Put a drain **** at the very end. Use 1/2 inch 'T''s off the 3/4 pointing up. Then put 4 inches of 1/2 up to a 'U' bend and make your air line drop. This will make any moisture run down hill and not up to the U bend and down the air drop. Air pipe moves a lot more than water pipe. So make sure to clamp it at every stud. On 3/4 inch pipe I have cut 1 inch long 3/4 rubber water hose and split it, slip over the copper and clamp it tight.
Do not use PVC or Pex pipe for air.
Cable TV? RG11 direct burial.
Internet? For internet I'd run a Cat6 cable from the main router in the house and put a second wifi router in the garage with its own user name and password.