Re using cast iron rings?

Back many many years ago during my big block years I was one of three that went together and bought a torque plate. I ran my blocks for years back then so the only block I ever had done with it was on the 440 I built for my Dads motorhome. The one other party was a ford guy but he owned the machine shop that did our machine work. My other buddy still races big blocks in Stock Class. I think I know who ended up with the plate but that’s old history. I was told my R3 block had one on it when it was bored before I owned it. When and if I ever get my Molnar rods it will be getting brush honed by me.
I personally think it's kinda of a personal choice, is it better with a plate? (Maybe) (possibly) (maybe not) I do know and have personally seen blocks bored and honed WITH a plate, that were worse than I normally end up with on a regular old rebuild. So its probably as much the operator as the equipment. But you know all the magazines said you had to have a torque plate so....