Chinesium in two takes

Labor cost is what is killing "Buy American" We all know what union wages demand and WE are the ones who are demanding it. Talk to the UAW who put GM and Chrysler into BK and then complained about it. Buy a used "Made in USA" OEM '73 water pumps and press in a new wet bearing, but know where the bearing came from..."Made in China". Wanna buy American? Buy almonds. But be aware that a lb. of almonds takes 1900 gallons of fresh water to produce, that will never make it to thirsty So. Cal. Meanwhile So. Cal residents are rationing irrigation of lawns to 3 days a week and are asked to reduce their consumption by 30%. Worry if if makes you feel better for a cause , but you'll die younger. Guess where 70% of all US almond sales go to? Yup, overseas.