Whatever happened to PlastiKote paint?

Valspar have moved on paint companies across the globe, shut down and rationalized ranges: Some companies produced highly profitable, high quality, niche ranges, that simply didn't fit with the High Volume, High Turnover business model of Valspar: Those smaller companies, where great "Little" concerns selling valued and cherished products. The problem was they were small companies or "smaller" companies that were pains in the backside to Valspar in certain markets, so they bought them, upon reviewing inventories, they found products that were great money spinners for a smaller privately owned operator or long term family owned paint company, but problematic for the vast purchasing and turnover requirements of Valspar....That's business. Rustoleum a U.S. Brand produces the following automotive engine paints: Rustoleum are every bit as good as Plastikote were.


You'll find that The Plastikote Brand is manufactured in the UK now, (Duplicolor) but the range is dramatically curtailed in the products it offers compared to the heady U.S. days and is expanding well in the European market.

I worked in the Paint market in Australia for a paint company that imported Plastikote as an adjunct to their core range in the 80's and 90's: The company I worked for was one of those that was bought out by Valspar's international tentacles.

There is of course the VHT range of engine enamels in Aerosol format as well:
