Planning a shop build, any suggestions?

First do not rely on the internet for information on concrete.
Pick out the best concrete plant in your area and go there and talk to them about what you are planning and tell them in no way do you want it to settle or crack and get a their recommendation in writing. When you order the concrete make sure the spec is adhered to.
Worked for me 7 years now and not one crack and I now absolutely nothing about concrete
I will also mention that the base work has to be correct or it will not work, my concrete contractor worked for 2 full days prepping the site before the floor was poured.
I can agree in partial with some of the stuff you said Mr. 512 however the internet can be a wealth of info especially if what you are reading comes with 17 years experience backed by over 500 years of concreting. It's difficult to determine who the "best" concrete plant is anywhere in a territory and sometimes it's best to visit two. Usually, your concrete finisher will tell you who to see [because they favor them (usually)]. Here in Michigan all my concrete Batch Plant people will guarantee you two things; your concrete is not free, and, concrete cracks. You are 100% correct, substrate prep work is critical to helping to eliminate cracking. We're getting close to replacing our drive and once the substrate is completed, we will be saturating the rock with Vapor Lock 555 to stabilize that before the mud.