Brake booster removal question

Pretty cool Demon!! Originally ordered & delivered in France, likely at a Simca dealership? Where is Southern France? Back in 71 we spent two weeks in Montpelier with a broken car (at a Simca dealership) waiting on parts...
Hello, and thanks.
This Demon has been ordered and delivered brand new in Belgium in May, 1971 and after the original owner death, she has been imported in France in 2015 by a guy who sold it to me in 2020. I'm the third owner.
So, this Demon has never seen a Simca dealer. But you're right, in the beginning of 70's, Chrysler products were sold in France by Simca (« Société Industrielle de Mécanique et Carrosserie Automobile »).
A Simca-Chrysler dealer in Paris circa 1969/1970 :
Chrysler France Paris Est.JPG
Demons have never been imported in France, and I think mine is the only one in all the country.
I found the trace of another '71 Demon (same B2 color than mine), but she has been exported from France to Netherlands several years ago.

I live in Narbonne, 100km west of Montpellier and also located on the mediterranean sea shore.
