69 Dart help

You can download a manual for free on MyMopar.com

With that, mark all of the bolt, nut and whatever else location on the body. You will be glad you did when you reassemble it and honestly, if it work fine and needs no repair I'd leave it installed as its a ***** to get set right again. I think when I took mine out it was a mix of whatever worked to get them out. The manual tells you how to set the glass right but its a bit vague.

When you but the upper seal for the front and rear winder to go into, but the Steele Rubber seal, its the only one known to work like the original.
Thanks for the help. I would like to keep them in place but, they need to be re-adjusted & surely need to be cleaned & re-lubed. I will take pictures & mark all the fastners, mounting locations, etc. when I remove them but still not sure about getting them out of the car body. I will see what it says on MyMopar about that. Thank you, guys, for the in-put.