They are no fun to do as I found out when I restored my Dart. I made sure to wear a long sleeves because of all the reaching up into the access holes to hold onto things while trying to make adjustments. Scratched the arms up on the sheet metal pretty good before I got smart and wore some protection. But as stated earlier, be SURE to mark every nut/washer holddowns with a sharpie before you take anything loose. That will get you close when going back together. I didn't do that and made a lot more work for myself trying to find the sweet spot again that allowed the windows to go all the way up into position relative to the door glass alignment and then back down as they should to the park position. Yeah the Mopar book "kinda" tells you how to do it but it's not real specific as to all the adjustments. And I also found learned that a "little' gets you a "lot" when it comes to making any slight changes in the regulator holdown adjusters. Hope this helps some. Good luck!