It will make it easier for sure. I did mine when the glass was out so it was easy. I'm not positive that you do, but I'm pretty sure that the glass in full down position, will be somewhat in the way of getting them out where the glass curves at the top and will make it a pain to do if at all. The tabs on the whiskers need to lock into the slots to snap in and I think with the glass in the way, there might not be enough wiggle room to do that. Like I said, my glass was out so I had no issues. Never tried it with the glass in before. You might be able to drop the glass adjustment down far enough to get the glass below the whisker so you can get in there and remove the old ones and install the new ones. I do remember that those new replacement whiskers bend pretty easy when trying to install them so the easier it is to work them in, the better. fyi!