1300 hp mercury comet brake failure crash

I think the fact that the motor has 1300 hp has little to do with the accident. Think about throttle position and power output. The throttle was nowhere near wide open throttle. Listen to the engine when the brakes went out. To me it doesn't sound like a motor that was putting out much power. Likely the throttle is sticking near the closed side of travel rather than the wide open end. Simular to a improperly adjusted idle speed around 2000 rpm. Think about how little power it takes to propel a car at that speed and rpm. The car didn’t appear to be accelerating rapidly. It was more or less just maintaining speed. I would say that the majority of our cars are capable of that kind of power output. The fact that he had zero brakes probably had more to do with the accident than how much power the motor is capable of producing. We all would be in trouble with zero brakes and little time to react. Things happen fast in the heat of the moment and sometimes our brains don't as well as we think they would. We can all pick out some detail of the accident and say it couldn't happen to me because of this or that. What ever we have to do to to convince ourselves that "I could never be that guy".
Look Sport, You can keep playing this violin all You want, I will NEVER be THAT Guy. This wasn't a Fooking accident, this was gross, irresponsible negligence. You're on drugs, that blown BBC probably makes twice the torque at 2K part-throttle than My Corolla at full throttle peak-torque, & My 'rolla's got 2x the brakes plus some. Those appear to be lightweight drag style brakes, they aren't fit for normal driving, they aren't meant to stop You from speed more than once...they're lucky to be any better than the stock solid-rotor brakes on an Omni...what size rollers on that Comet? I've had accidents that totalled My rides 3 times, 1 black ice, 1 Guy with a convex mirror & a hidden driveway missed Me in the mirror & pulled the trigger in His extended-cab Chevy 4x4, 1 a dumbass kid ran a stop sign in His S-10 & I rolled it for Him. **** happens out of Our control, all of those happened 35-40mph, & there wasn't a way to avoid them. This was 100% avoidable, 100% predictable, 100% preventable, & 100% this Idiot's fault.