SI joint fusion

I have had SI joint issues for years. I have only needed 1 visit for injections (2). I have never needed to go back, 4 years now. Stretching is the key, I found deep tissue message helped me more than anything. Painful and bruising, but it what worked for me. I was told by neurospine doc, that infusion of SI joints would have meant never tying my shoes again. That was a deal breaker for me. 16 weeks of chiropractor and PT alternating, then the injection. Best of luck. Being active (changed away from desk job) and stretching helped keep it at bay. Acts up time to time, but not chronic like before.
Thanks for the input. I have never been flexible, which no doubt has caused me a lot of issues over the years. I seen a chiropractor in AZ that treated a lot of power lifters. He gave me this stretching regimen. Took close to an hour. Did it religiously every day for 6 months. Some days I would stretch 3 times. After the 6 months was up he remeasured me...gained very little range of motion. Thing that makes me laugh is my dad never stretched yet he could stand on a 4x4 and touch his palms to the ground.
Thing that has me more then a bit concerned is a loss of range of motion with a fusion. That and L5 is herniated, into my spinal cord causing a lot of sciatic pain. The simulator masks all of it though. I am heading to PT here shortly, will talk with them about stretches. I have not seen my Massage Therapist in a couple of weeks, there was a water main break in the area....but next time I see her I am going to talk with her about this.