Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

There's no such thing as needing to aim less. Shotguns just do not have the spread that Hollywierd has us believe. If it does, it's a bad idea to even try to use it. You're accountable for every projectile going down range, and if they disperse that far - it becomes negligent to employ. Relying on spread vs accuracy is a recipe for blind-firing ineffectively as well.

Until star-trek like phasers with auto-aim are the norm, we're going to have to aim well and shoot straight.

Not disagreeing with you, however I live in a neighborhood with houses on every side & I am very concerned about high velocity bullets that miss thier mark. I would rather take my chances unarmed as kill someone else in the house or a kid next door.

That was my primary consideration buying a tactical shotgun. I want to shift the odds in my favor without risking others.

Anybody have any wisdom on this issue?