EFI for slants with this set up?

AlkyDigger does electronic EFI Hilborn setups that work flawlessly.
Yeh I should have mentioned this. However, I'm not sure the throttle control is all that "precise." In the same arc as you are normally cracking open a 1bbl, your foot is now opening what amounts to SIX one barrels.

It would be interesting to get a "face to face" with a factory individual throttle body setup like Audi or something to see how they took care of that. I don't recall the technical term, ther's a thing let's call it a "diminishing pulley" where the cable goes around a shaped half pulley that is shaped more like a half a pear.........so that you CAN precisely crack a bunch of barrels, and then the "foot ratio" increases as the barrels open.

In fact here's one now

Throttle Stop with Indexable Cable Pulley
